What is a Tewl Measurement Device?
The Tewameter TM HEX analyzes the transepidermal water loss, an indispensable parameter for assessing the skin’s water barrier function. It is done with great accuracy and reproducibility. Many clinics evaluate transepidermal water loss through a tewl measurement device. It is the ideal device to measure the density gradient of water evaporation from a patient’s skin.

The Measuring Principle
Water is repeatedly evaporating from the skin as a part of the body’s important metabolism. The amount of water (TEWL) is expressed in g/h/m2. 30 sensors inside the probe’s hollow cylinder. This is done to detect the comparable temperature and humidity similar to a camera.
The high quantity of data allows the user to measure inside the probe accurately and show the results for areas outside the probe.
The areas are the ambiance and skin surface outside above the probe. By the tewl measurement device, new and exciting parameters may give unique insights into different research fields. Also, Read This Blo Article Best Vitamins for Height Growth.
Advantages of Open Chamber Measurement
- No waiting time in-between measurements
- Measurement of the amount of water without having any influence on the skin’s microclimate
- The ‘open chamber’ method of Tewameter TM HEX can ensure that even high water loss values can be detected so that water is not collected inside the probe.
- Many people worldwide use the TEWL measurement method.
- It is traceable and elaborates calibration of temperature, humidity, and TEWL to g/h/m2
- Many studies and research with the Tewameter prove this thing.
Fields of Application
- Safety product tests and even slight deficiencies in the skin barrier are detectable.
- The research is based on dermatology.
- It is indispensable in creating efficacy testing and supports cosmetics and pharmaceuticals with regard to improving the skin barrier function.
- Antiperspirant efficacy testing
- Patch tests
- Zoology and veterinary medicine
- Educative measurement in occupational health to alert masses to the importance of using skin protection products.
- The measurement is also used in the textile, packaging, food, and paper/tissue industry.
- Local skin energy balance is an interesting new parameter for research fields like textile, sports, food/nutrition supplements, cooling products, sleep medicine, and micro calculation.
Advantages of Tewl Measurement Device
Some of the advantages of measuring from this device are:
- A very stable measurement is achieved in about 20 seconds.
- The measurement is very accurate, robust, and quick with the information of 30 sensor pairs.
- Repetitive measurements for long periods are also possible, depending on the application.
- The telemeter probe can detect values similar to a camera due to high measurement data.
- Uninterrupted view of the measurement surface and an unobstructed evaporation flow.
- The cap is disposable
- It is available for the C+K MPA- systems to be operated with a new software MPA plus.
- There is robust sensor placement in the wall inside the measurement head.
- The first probe is documented and has very low measurement uncertainty visible for every value.
Final Words
If you want to undergo some medical checkups for your skin and desire to go through a tewl measurement device, you can consult a skin research solution center. They will ensure all your skin problems are fixed with the help of different medicines and devices made from the latest technology.